همین حالا رزومه خود را در کمتر از ۱۰ دقیقه بسازید، برو به رزومه‌ساز

اسنپ فود | Snappfood

تاسیس در ۱۳۸۸ کامپیوتر، فناوری اطلاعات و اینترنت بیش از ۱۰۰۰ نفر snappfood.ir

استخدام UX Engineer

  • دسته‌بندی شغلی

    وب،‌ برنامه‌نویسی و نرم‌افزار
  • موقعیت مکانی

    تهران ، تهران
  • نوع همکاری

    تمام وقت
  • حداقل سابقه کار

    سه تا شش سال
  • حقوق


شرح موقعیت شغلی

In the Story of Snappfood, we believe in creating value that goes beyond the ordinary. We are willing to establish innovative tendencies and are eager to have you on our team to help us get through our business challenges with creativity, intelligence, and agility.
We are waiting for you to continue this story.

The UX Engineer plays a pivotal role in ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience across our digital products. This role combines expertise in user-centered design with technical skills in front-end development to create and implement design systems, prototypes, and high-fidelity mockups. The UX Engineer collaborates closely with product designers, developers, and other stakeholders to enhance user satisfaction and accessibility.



  • Maintain design system and style guides to ensure consistency across products.
  • Develop wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity mockups to effectively communicate design ideas.
  • Collaborate with product designers, developers, and other stakeholders to integrate user experience principles seamlessly.
  • Conduct user research and usability testing to gather insights and validate design decisions.
  • Lead the redesign of our flagship product’s user interface to enhance user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Work on accessibility improvements to ensure our products are usable by people with disabilities.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction, Graphic Design, or a related field.
  • Advanced degree or certifications in UX/UI design, front-end development, or related areas are a plus.
  • At least 4 years of experience working in front-end development, with a solid understanding of UX principles.
  • Proven track record of developing and implementing design systems.
  • Experience conducting user research and usability testing.
  • Strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with experience in front-end frameworks like React and TypeScript for creating interactive prototypes and collaborating with developers.
  • Experience with user research methods and usability testing techniques.
  • Familiarity with design tools such as Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, and InVision.
  • Familiarity with analytics tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar to understand user behavior.
  • Experience with CSS-in-JS libraries such as Styled Components or Emotion.

معرفی شرکت

اسنپ‌فود بزرگترین سرویس آنلاین سفارش غذا در ایرانه که در کنار غذا، سرویس‌هایی از جمله سفارش نان، پروتئین، شیرینی و میوه رو هم در خودش داره.
همراهی صمیمانه و اعتماد بیش از ۵ میلیون کاربر ما رو بر این داشته که همواره به دنبال خلق پدیده‌های تازه و راهی برای خدمت‌رسانی بهتر و باکیفیت‌تر باشیم.
ما در این مسیر علاقه‌مند به همکاری با افرادی هستیم که با هوشمندی و سرعت عملشون در عبور از چالش‌ها و مسائل کسب‌وکار یاریگرمون باشن.
  • مهارت‌های مورد نیاز

    ux backend HTML CSS typescript
  • جنسیت

    مهم نیست
  • وضعیت نظام وظیفه

    مهم‌ نیست
  • حداقل مدرک تحصیلی


مشاغل مشابه

چه موردی را می‌خواهید گزارش کنید؟

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