همین حالا رزومه خود را در کمتر از ۱۰ دقیقه بسازید، برو به رزومه‌ساز

استخدام Senior Back-End Developer

  • دسته‌بندی شغلی

    وب،‌ برنامه‌نویسی و نرم‌افزار
  • موقعیت مکانی

    تهران ، تهران
  • نوع همکاری

    تمام وقت
  • حداقل سابقه کار

    کمتر از سه سال
  • حقوق


شرح موقعیت شغلی

Key Requirements:

  • Familiarity with Back-End programming languages such as PHP, Python, and NodeJS
  • Full familiarity with PHP Frameworks such as Symphony, API Platform, Laravel 
  • Full familiarity with NodeJS Frameworks such as ExpressJS, and Fastify
  • Familiarity with professional JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS, ReactJS, and VueJS
  • Familiarity with AJAX, asynchronous request handling
  • Familiarity with authentication and authorization and communication between several different systems, servers, or devices
  • Ability to integrate multiple information sources and databases into one integrated system
  • Ability to integrate multiple in-memory databases such as RabbitMQ, Redis
  • Ability to manage hosting services such as databases to configure and optimize by changing the load server
  • Creating database structures that are suitable for business activities
  • Basic knowledge of Front programming techniques such as JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3
  • Basic knowledge of server-side CSS processors such as LESS and SASS
  • Familiarity with code security concepts and their optimization
  • Perform the necessary tests on different platforms
  • Adequate familiarity with Git and Workflow Concepts

Key Responsibilities:

  • Compile and analyze data, processes, and codes to troubleshoot problems and identify areas for improvement.
  • Collaborating with the front-end developers and other team members to establish objectives and design more functional, cohesive codes to enhance the user experience.
  • Developing ideas for new programs, products, or features by monitoring industry developments and trends.
  • Recording data and reporting it to proper parties, such as clients or leadership.
  • Participating in continuing education and training to remain current on best practices, learn new programming languages, and better assist other team members.
  • Taking the lead on projects, as needed.

معرفی شرکت

زمینه فعالیت شرکت توسعه نرم افزار های موبایل و راه اندازی استارت اپ های مختلف در زمینه فناوری اطلاعات می باشد.
محیط از افراد باانگیزه، باهوش و خلاق تشکیل شده و ارزش‌های اصلی‌مون یادگیری همیشگی، تعهد انجام کارها و امکان رشد شخصی و حرفه‌ای ٬ مسئولیت پذیری و رعایت زمانبندی هاست.

روزهای کاری از یکشنبه تا پنج شنبه از 8:30 تا 17:30
نزدیک مترو بهشتی
استخدام از تمام شهر های کشور
  • مهارت‌های مورد نیاز

    PHP Javascript Back-end Redis
  • جنسیت

    مهم نیست
  • وضعیت نظام وظیفه

    مهم‌ نیست
  • حداقل مدرک تحصیلی


مشاغل مشابه

چه موردی را می‌خواهید گزارش کنید؟

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