همین حالا رزومه خود را در کمتر از ۱۰ دقیقه بسازید، برو به رزومه‌ساز

گروه اسنپ | Snapp Group

تاسیس در ۲۰۱۳ کامپیوتر، فناوری اطلاعات و اینترنت بیش از ۱۰۰۰ نفر

استخدام Customer Experience (CX) Associate

  • دسته‌بندی شغلی

    پشتیبانی و امور مشتریان
  • موقعیت مکانی

    تهران ، تهران
  • نوع همکاری

    تمام وقت
  • حداقل سابقه کار

    کمتر از سه سال
  • حقوق


شرح موقعیت شغلی

The Customer Experience Associate will own the full suite of customer experience metrics. A strong bias towards data balanced with high emotional intelligence is crucial to ensuring the optimal experience for our customers. They will be someone who focuses on moments of engagement, or touch points, between people and brands, and the ideas, emotions, and memories that these moments create. They should be holistic problem solvers, looking at an entire brand ecosystem and the champions of the voice of customers within the business. They will be a shared resource between their respective Business Line and the Customer Experience Team.

Job Role and Responsibilities:

● As one of the brains behind our customers’ experience, you will be responsible for the performance analysis, optimization, and process design of one of the biggest stakeholders of our business: customers.
● You will be working with your respective Business Line to design best-in-class service functions to address customer pain points during pre, live, and post-delivery and set them up to offer a stellar experience.
● You’ll be in a highly data-driven role working on customer touch point feedback analysis,organizing and recommending changes with a key focus on outer loop initiatives to improve user experience through Bottom-Up NPS Closed Feedback Loop.
● You’ll be adept at managing stakeholders, be it the business or operational managers to influence business goals with the ultimate purpose to maximize our NPS.
● You’ll be required to be deeply involved with the day to day of the Business Line to evaluate the potential impact of any of our actions and plans on Customer Experience.
● Every day you would be consistently identifying and monitoring how forces within the system can potentially impact NPS - for the good or worse.
● You’ll be the champion of after order NPS and supermarket rating and constantly strive to optimize it.
● Acquiring data from primary or secondary data sources and maintaining a communication channel with inter/intra departmental teams.
● You’ll manage end-to-end projects; identify issues, gather information from various sources,analyze data, interpret patterns and trends, give recommendations, and create insightful reports and action plans for senior management.


● Bachelor’s degree in Business Management or similar field.
● 2 plus years of experience in a customer-centric and highly data-backed role.
● Strong written and verbal communication.
● Highly organized and self-disciplined, able to work on multiple projects in a self-structured and well-prioritized way.
● Extremely analytical, data-driven & with a keen eye on process improvement.
● Strong presentation skills with the ability to collect, organize, analyze, and disseminate significant amounts of information with attention to detail and accuracy.
● Foundation knowledge of SQL, Big Query, Power BI, and other data visualization tools is a plus.

معرفی شرکت

اسنپ گروپ متشکل از فعالترین شرکت‌های اینترنتی (اسنپ، اسنپ فود، اسنپ باکس، اسنپ مارکت، اسنپ تریپ، اسنپ تیکت، اسنپ روم، اسنپ ساپلای، اسنپ دکتر، اسنپ کیچن و اسنپ پی و اسنپ شاپ و اسنپ اکسپرس) در ایران است و عمیقا متعهد به ترویج کارآفرینی و نوآوری در جامعه‌ی آنلاین ایران می‌باشد.
ماموریت این گروه سرعت بخشیدن به رشد و موفقیت اقتصاد توسعه یافته بر پایه‌ی اینترنت در سراسر کشور و افزایش کیفیت زندگی مردم از طریق ارائه‌ی بهترین خدمات است.
اسنپ گروپ با تشخیص پتانسیل بسیار بالای بازار ایران شرایطی ایده آل برای شرکتهای آنلاین فراهم میکند. در حال حاضر با تمرکز بر توسعه کسب و کارهای مبنتی بر فناوری‌های هوشمند در ایران به دنبال خلق ارزش‌هایی جدید برای نسل‌های فرداست.
  • مهارت‌های مورد نیاز

    Customer Service Customer experience Communication امور مشتریان تجربه مشتریان
  • جنسیت

    مهم نیست
  • وضعیت نظام وظیفه

    مهم‌ نیست
  • حداقل مدرک تحصیلی


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