همین حالا رزومه خود را در کمتر از ۱۰ دقیقه بسازید، برو به رزومه‌ساز

استخدام Mid-level Mobile Engineer (React-Native)

  • دسته‌بندی شغلی

    وب،‌ برنامه‌نویسی و نرم‌افزار
  • موقعیت مکانی

    تهران ، تهران
  • نوع همکاری

    تمام وقت
  • حداقل سابقه کار

    سه تا شش سال
  • حقوق


شرح موقعیت شغلی


at Learnova, we're focused on developing a leading English learning app tailored specifically for Persians. Our goal is to understand their unique learning challenges and provide the most effective solutions. Currently, our company is in a growth phase which includes expanding our technology team. We're seeking a talented React-Native Developer to help us create a product that offers our learners a best-in-class experience.


  • Develop, release, and maintain application features in line with team requirements.
  • Contributing to the continuous improvement of our team dynamics, and quality standards, and ensuring we're always shipping
  • Remain at the forefront of industry trends and advances in React Native, confidently proposing process improvements and technological enhancements.
  • Work alongside backend developers to integrate APIs and fine-tune network requests, ensuring seamless app performance.
  • build high-quality, high-performance, and responsive UI Components.


  • Proven ability to deliver apps using reusable, testable, and efficient code.
  • a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related technical field.
  • Minimum of 4 years of experience in JavaScript or TypeScript.
  • Strong understanding of React fundamentals.
  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in React-Native development.
  • Proficiency in working with state management libraries like Redux (RTK).
  • Proficiency in working with animation libraries like Reanimated and Lottie.
  • Proficiency in working with REST APIs and libraries like React Query or RTK Query.
  • Experience with JavaScript and React Native development tools such as Flipper, Xcode, Android Studio, ESLint, and …
  • Experience with Git and version control systems.
  • Experience with analytics services such as Firebase and Sentry for tracking pitfalls, identifying bottlenecks, and spotting performance issues and bugs.
  • Collaborative team player comfortable in high-pressure, fast-paced environments.

Bonus Skills

  • Experience in React-Native libraries like Skia, track-player, tts, voice, video, sound, …
  • Experience in building game applications.
  • Experience in building chat applications
  • Experience in React, NextJs, and web development


  • Language learning opportunities
  • Competitive ‘Win Together, Lose Together’ Bonus
  • Allowance for sports and education.
  • a truly flexible working culture
  • a collaborative, creative, and inspiring working environment

معرفی شرکت

لرنووا یک شرکت پیشرو و خلاق در زمینه اپلیکیشن‌های انگلیسی مخصوص بازار ایران هست.
ماموریت ما ایجاد پلی بین زبان فارسی و زبان انگیسی از طریق راه‌حل‌های دیجیتال نوآورانه (مثل هوش‌ مصنوعی) است. علاوه‌بر این، به دنبال پیشرفت خودمون در زمینه مهارت‌های نرم و استفاده از تکنولوژی‌های روز دنیا هستیم.
  • مهارت‌های مورد نیاز

    Javascript RestFul API Git react native
  • جنسیت

    مهم نیست
  • وضعیت نظام وظیفه

    مهم‌ نیست
  • حداقل مدرک تحصیلی

    مهم نیست

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