آگهی‌های استخدامی

استخدام کارشناس تست نرم‌افزار (Software Test Specialist)

شرح موقعیت شغلی


At Holoo Information Technology Group, we are looking for a Software Testing and QA ‎Engineer. If you are eligible for the following, you can help us in making better-quality ‎software products.‎

Creating accurate and comprehensive test plans with correct structures.
Estimating, prioritizing, planning, and coordinating tests.
Troubleshooting and solving problems.



Proficient in testing concepts and software testing methods
Proficient in ‎ Postman and Swagger software and API testing
Proficient in designing and implementing Test Scenario and Test-Case
Proficient in documentation, including educational software documentation
Familiarity with Issue Tracking software
Familiarity with Scrum software development methodologies
Interested and eager to grow and learn continuously
Having the spirit of teamwork and interaction with group members
Having perseverance and spirit of responsibility
Having practical experience in performing manual tests
Familiarity with testing smart products and its types
Having focus and accuracy in finding the root of errors 
Preparing a report of the problems and following up completely until they are resolved
Ability to hold meetings and present materials for training and delivery of software products
knowledge of the automatic testing tools (Selenium, Playwright, Appium)
knowledge ‎of the  J-Meter tool

مهارت‌های مورد نیاز

  • تست نرم افزار
  • Software Testing
  • مستندات سازی
  • Test Case

حداقل سابقه کار

  • سه تا شش سال


  • مهم نیست

وضعیت نظام وظیفه

  • معافیت دائم پایان خدمت

نوع همکاری:

تمام وقت

تاریخ انتشار آگهی:

۱۴۰۲/۱۱/۱۰ (منقضی‌شده)
مشاهده آگهی‌های استخدام مشابه