آگهی‌های استخدامی

استخدام برنامه‌نویس Flutter (دورکاری)

شرح موقعیت شغلی

About this role

With your help, we will take the software development sector of our country to the next level. The project we are about to launch is to offer our support to international software projects. In this context, there will be an intermediary Scrum Master who will ensure that the user stories required by the customers are implemented correctly. The Scrum Master will then work with you and your colleagues to develop state-of-the-art software using modern software processes. In the role of software developer, you will be able to take a peek at how international software companies work and how software development is done on an international level.
Documentation is an important part of modern software development. Since our customers are international corporations, the documentation is written in English. Therefore, profound knowledge of the English language is a basic requirement for this role.
Since this is a project that is basically just in its infancy, there will be 3 month of contractual employment. If all goes well, we will discuss other options. We will move forward with either contractual employment or an employment contract.

What we expect

  • Your willingness to solve complex tasks within a team.
  • Expert knowledge of Flutter (Dart), good knowledge of Java 11 - your experience with Javascript would be an advantage.
  • Understanding of mobile and web application architectures and technologies.
  • Experience in designing huge business applications.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of common deployment scenarios.
  • Git is your daily bread (and GitHub is your "buffet")
  • Be social, be communicative, be yourself!
  • English is a must.
What will you do?

  • You design and implement core system components.
  • You develop and follow a clear architecture with focus on performance and scalability.
  • You apply state-of-the-art processes and ensure a high code quality.
  • You translate goals and visions into an executable step-by-step plan and make sure it succeeds.
  • You like to share your knowledge, are driven by a roll-up-your-sleeves mentality, and continuously sharpen your saw.
  • You collaborate with other colleges and the scrum master to achieve the best possible solution.
If you are looking for the opportunity to participate in software development projects, gain insight into modern project management in the software realm, and learn more about Flutter and/or Java, there is also the option of a paid internship. Just drop us your resume and we will get in touch with you.

مهارت‌های مورد نیاز

  • Flutter
  • dart
  • Git
  • Javascript

حداقل سابقه کار

  • مهم نیست


  • مهم نیست

وضعیت نظام وظیفه

  • مهم‌ نیست

نوع همکاری:

تمام وقت دورکاری

تاریخ انتشار آگهی:

۱۴۰۱/۰۴/۱۴ (منقضی‌شده)
مشاهده آگهی‌های استخدام مشابه