آگهی‌های استخدامی

استخدام کتگوری منیجر (قم)

شرح موقعیت شغلی

Job Discription

  • Dealing with key account sellers
  • Making business partnerships
  • Lead generation
  • Hunting sellers and keeping them active
  • Designing patterns for creating substantial growth in categories
  • Increasing seller's market shares in online and offline markets
  • Strategic merchandise growth 
  • Planning and executing seller acquisition strategies
  • Customer Behavior analysis
  • Designing shipping fee Strategies
  • Defining and prioritizing product categories and attributes
  • Designing and managing campaigns
  • Preparing monthly reports for the business decision makers
  • Designing and analyzing promotions
  • Designing and executing customer retention strategies
  • Improving the general shopping experience for customers
  • Analyzing customer needs and behavior in each category
  • Analyzing, segmenting, categorizing, empowering, and onboarding sellers and their skills
  • Setting targets for sellable products by considering the market and competitors
  • Setting long term content improvement strategies and executing them
  • Predicting and managing the sale volume for each categories
  • Optimizing product displays
  • Identifying different cohorts of customers
  • Setting The acceptable commission fee for each category
  • Setting pricing strategies


  • Highly motivated and innovative 
  • B2B and B2C management knowledge
  • Analytical abilities
  • Knowledge of vendor Segmentation 
  • Seller Performance Management skills
  • High decision making ability
  • Project management skills
  • Cost and resources management abilities
  • Business Development skills
  • Performance and time management skills
  • Knowledge of sales and marketing 
  • Supply chain management skills
  • Shown experience of creating sales growth
  • Strong communications and negotiation skills
  • Knowledge of the overall market
  • Market analysis skills
  • Strong presentation and reporting skills
  • Planning and time management abilities
  • Crisis management skills
  • The ability to design and develop new projects

مهارت‌های مورد نیاز

  • استراتژی فروش
  • b2b
  • B2C
  • اصول و فنون مذاکره

حداقل سابقه کار

  • سه تا شش سال


  • مهم نیست

وضعیت نظام وظیفه

  • مهم‌ نیست

نوع همکاری:

تمام وقت

دسته‌بندی شغلی:

فروش و بازاریابی

تاریخ انتشار آگهی:

۱۴۰۱/۱۰/۲۱ (منقضی‌شده)
مشاهده آگهی‌های استخدام مشابه